Saturday, October 31, 2009


Happy Halloween!

Here's my recent entry into Reaper's Halloween Painting Contest, up on their forums.

For a bit of shameless self-promotion, I encourage my friends to go out to the forums and vote for their favorite piece. (I won't lie, I hope that MINE is their favorite.)

This particular mini is Reaper mini #02869 Elise the Witch, sculpted by the exceptionally talented Werner Klocke. A really fun figure to paint, as I feel that it basically has two characters in one small form, Elise and the jack-o-lantern on which she is perched. Very simple in its execution, the figure left a lot of places for me to embellish with my own style. It took a little bit of work to figure out that the clumps of material at her base were leaves, but when I looked very closely, I could actually distinguish each individual leaf in the small piles around the base! This year, in Reaper's Painting Competition on their forums, Elise is a VERY popular figure. It's no wonder that it's so popular, as it is an absolutely beautiful sculpt.

I'll update this post later when they have the voting available.

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