Tuesday, July 25, 2006


And I'm stressin' again--

Of course, it's the week before Games Day Chicago '06 and I'm still working on my entries. I was hoping to have a lot more done at this point than I currently have accomplished. This is nothing really new, though. I wish for once that I could better plan my project time in order to get things finished without working myself into a frenzy at the last minute. At least the miniature that I'm working on has a good coat of primer on it. I'm taking this Thursday off work in order to stay home and paint, too. Maybe that will help, maybe not. Friday will have a good chunk of time eaten away with just driving to Chicago. Fortunately, I'll be staying with my buddy, StrayCatt again. Time will tell if I can get at least one good entry done before Friday. Speed painting at it's finest! (Yeah, right...)

As soon as I get back from Games Day, I'll start working on the few minis that I have in mind for GenCon Indy '06. As I'll be staying with another friend out there, Orca, as I do most of these conventions-- mooching off my buddies in one city or another. It certainly makes it a bit cheaper and easier for me to justify going out to Chicago or Indy. It's just as questionable whether or not I'll finish my entry (entries?) for GenCon, too. Last year, I felt I did a pretty decent showing there at Indy. I hope I can do similar for this year, too...

Maybe I'll be able to get some sleep between now and then too, but I doubt it.

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