Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Bad News/Good News

The bad news is that I didn't get my project done in time for Games Day Chicago. :-( I tried really hard, pushing myself to get my figure done in time for the event, but I just didn't manage to pull it together in time. So, with that in mind, I stayed home. I really wasn't feeling too good about myself or my abilities because of that particular setback. I felt like I let the Project MMVII group down, as well as myself.

The good news is that I'm going to Games Day LA to enter my project there! I already have my flight booked and some tenative travel arrangements. Hopefully, it will be a good trip for me. I'm kinda surprised that GD LA would follow so closely on the heels of Chicago, but at this point, I don't have much room to argue. That also doesn't leave me much other time to paint, either! I'm hoping that I can turn this into a good showing on my behalf, but we'll see how things turn out.

That doesn't leave me much more time to work on stuff for GenCon, which will be immediately after Games Day. No bets on how many entries I'll have done for GenCon though...

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